City council seeks partner to build website
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Manchester City Council is to build a website allowing citizens to access information from local government archives and other sources of public records.
The authority has published a contract notice seeking a supplier to help fulfil its “GM Archives” project.
The aim of the programme, for which a budget of up to £100,000 will be allotted to the chosen supplier, is to create and launch an online service through which people can access archived public information.
The site will provide links to information and archive content from both the council and other organisations across Greater Manchester.
It said: “Manchester City Council is seeking to commission a company to create a searchable website and portal which allows the public to discover information about archives, books, photographs, held by local authority archives and local studies services in Greater Manchester.”
The authority is seeking to start work on 1 April, and wishes to appoint a supplier to fulfil a three-year contract to develop and support the site.
Bids for the work are open until 11 March.