Leeds seeks £30m IT hardware partner

City’s NHS and local-government bodies team up to put together framework for wide range of client computing, telecoms, and security hardware

Credit: Lynne Cameron/PA Archive/PA Images

Local government and the NHS are teaming up to create a single-supplier framework to deliver commodity IT and communications products to the public sector across Leeds.

A contract notice, worth a potential £30m over four years, has been issued on behalf of Leeds City Partners, a consortium containing Leeds City Council, as well as the city’s three NHS trusts and three clinical commissioning groups. The organisations are collectively looking to find one supplier to deliver new hardware, as well as refurbishment and disposal of existing products, and various “associated professional and technical services”.

Products covered by the agreement include desktop and laptop PCs, Android and Windows tablets, audiovisual conferencing kit, voice over IP-enabled telephones, smartphones and “basic mobile phones”, security hardware, and peripherals. 

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The chosen provider will also be expected to provide hardware upgrades and new devices “when they become available”, as well as services including asset tagging and installation services – including new operating systems. Disposal or refurbishment of all hardware will also form part of the supplier’s duties. 

Leeds is also looking for a provider that can offer “an online portal incorporating a purchasing and ordering catalogue”.

The closing date for bids is 28 February, with a contract scheduled to go live on 6 July and last for 48 months. 

The organisations that comprise Leeds City Partners are: Leeds City Council; Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust; Leeds West, Leeds North, and Leeds South and East Clinical Commissioning Groups; Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust; and Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.


Sam Trendall

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