Welcome to PublicTechnology Cyber Security Week

Welcome to PublicTechnology Cyber Security Week.

Over the next five days, we will publish a range of features, interviews and analysis examining the biggest cyber challenges facing public bodies and how they can be met, as well as the wider issues and context that is shaping the threat landscape and government’s response to it.

All the content will be collated here, or can be accessed by clicking on the logo below on the right.

Which is where we began the week, focusing on threats. This included analysis of what government data tells us about the most common forms of attack and the harm they can cause, as well as a feature looking at huge – and hugely complex – problem of disinformation, and the controversy and concern caused by government’s work to combat it.

On Tuesday we turned our attention to the defences being put up against those threats, and examined the police-led work going on to make public bodies as cyber-resilient as possible.

On Wednesday we examined how well current measures and regimes are protecting people, data and systems – including an exclusive interview with the Information Commissioner’s Office discussing the impact of the regulator’s revised approach to the public sector – which was introduced last year with the intention of raising standards of data protection, rather than financially punishing those who fail to meet them.

The issue of skills – perhaps the biggest and most perennial difficulty facing public sector organisations – was the subject of our content on Thursday. This includes a webinar discussion – which is now available to watch – where a panel bringing together expertise from government, industry and academia will take our audience’s questions on their skills challenges. We also published a feature examining why the public sector is so reliant on cyber outsourcing.

Reaching the end of the week, we looked into the future, including an explainer setting out major new changes to the UK’s cyber regulatory landscape, as well as asking where government goes next: do we need a department for cyber?

We hope you enjoyed all the content we have brought you this week, and we welcome any feedback or contributions from our audience – drop me a line anytime if so.

Sam Trendall, PublicTechnology editor

Sam Trendall

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