More than a decade on from the widespread digitisation of public services, exemplified by the work of the Government Digital Service, the coming years will bring another generation of transformation. This next phase will be characterised by new technologies such as artificial intelligence, as well as the growth in sharing and use of data.
All of which will provide major opportunities for smarter and more personalised digital services, as well as providing public bodies with real-time insights and support for policymaking. But there will also be significant challenges: operational; cultural; ethical; and financial.
PublicTechnology Live 2023 will bring together a content-driven, interactive programme supported by C-level speakers from across the breadth of the public sector to provide a comprehensive view of priorities and challenges, and help support attendees in delivering innovation and improving resilience.
Wednesday, 1 March, 2023 – 09:00 to 17:00
etc.venues St Paul’s
200 Aldersgate Street Barbican
United Kingdom