G-Cloud 11 bidding opens today

Applications now being accepted for latest iteration of framework

Bidding for the 11th iteration of the G-Cloud framework opens today.

The government has announced that current and potential supplier can submit their applications from today until 5pm on 15 May.

Bidders are scheduled to be informed of the result of their application on 20 June, ahead of the framework going live on 2 July.

Recent versions of G-Cloud have been divided into three lots, covering cloud hosting, cloud software, and cloud support. 

The new deal will also be split into three sections, but the government specified that bidders “can apply to sell cyber security services on G-Cloud 11”. This will include “services that are assured under these National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) schemes”, such as cybersecurity consultancy, penetrating testing, and cyber incident response.

A total of 3,505 suppliers won a spot on G-Cloud 10 – including 649 firms that made the cut for the first time.

UKCloud was one of just 287 companies that bagged a spot on all three lots of the deal.

The firm’s chief executive Simon Hansford said: “Since its inception, G-Cloud aimed to open the market to smaller businesses looking to compete for government contracts. This happened at the start, however over the last couple of years we’ve seen a return of government awarding contracts to big tech companies over SMEs.”

He added: “Having a vibrant SME community not only drives innovation throughout government but significantly reduces costs and increases competition. As such, we expect the launch of G-Cloud 11 to present strong opportunities for SMEs given government’s renewed commitment to increasing SME spend.”

Sam Trendall

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