Reading council offers £92k for digital transformation leader

Local authority advertises what it claims is the ‘complete digital role’

Reading Borough Council is offering an annual salary of up to £92,000 in a bid to recruit a senior manager to oversee digital transformation across the authority.

The council is advertising a vacant post as assistant director, digital transformation. The job is described by the authority as “the complete digital role”.

“You’ll provide a detailed vision of how to secure leading-edge technological advantage, oversee its design and procurement, and deliver it to our residents,” the council added. “We’ve already done much of the groundwork at service level, so you’ll focus on real added value. With expert knowledge of both change and ICT, you’ll have gained substantial senior experience in a digital-first business as well as in a public-service organisation.”

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Reading Borough Council chief executive Peter Sloman said that he wants to recruit a candidate who can ensure the authority is “at the forefront of using technology to drive efficiency and improve the customer experience”. He pointed to the technology credentials of the Berkshire town – a place where one in five businesses is a tech firm, he said, and some of the world’s foremost IT companies reside.

Sloman added: “With big names like with Microsoft, Huawei and Symantec choosing Reading, we need to ensure that the council’s digital strategy and proposition can be compared favourably with these global peers.”

Applications for the role are open until 14 January.

Sam Trendall

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