Health service body issues RFI looking for supplier advice
NHS Digital is seeking input from potential suppliers before launching the tender process for its planned Security Operations Centre.
The establishment of a centralised centre to provide security resources to organisations across the health service was announced in NHS Digital’s recent Fit for 2020 Capability Review report. Once it is up and running, the facility will provide “real-time intelligence on the threats facing health and care organisations”, the report said.
NHS Digital has now published a request for information (RFI) looking for feedback from the supplier community to help ensure its tender process is fit for purpose.
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The organisation is interested in advice on what its stated requirements for people, processes, and technology should be when seeking a commercial partner to help create and maintain the security operations centre. Such advice is not part of the formal procurement process, NHS Digital said, and submissions will not be assessed or rated.
The deadline for RFI submissions is 5pm on Monday 7 August. These will be explored, at a later date, during the course of an industry event.
Details of the request were published on the website of industry body techUK.