GDS extends life of Digital Outcomes and Specialists

The Government Digital Service has extended Digital Outcomes and Specialists past its closing date of 2 December.

Digital Outcomes and Specialists is available on the Digital Marketplace – Photo credit: GDS

The platform, which allows suppliers to sell their services to public sector buyers on the Digital Marketplace, is being replaced by the second iteration, Digital Outcomes and Specialists 2.

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This second iteration is expected to be open for users to buy and sell services from February 2017, but the first was initially due to close today, 2 December.

However, GDS has said that it will extend the first iteration to allow users to continue to buy services until Digital Outcomes and Specialists 2 goes live.

“We can keep Digital Outcomes and Specialists open for new opportunities until 2 September 2017 but we expect to close it before then,” GDS said.

“We’ll email Digital Outcomes and Specialists buyers and suppliers 30 days before we do this to let them know the new closing date.”

Suppliers who want to continue using the platform past February 2017 must sign up to Digital Outcomes and Services 2 by 14 December.

Those who have asked questions about the process should have them answered on the updates page of their account by 7 December.

Suppliers should be told the results of their application on 16 January.


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