LocalGov Digital announces summit on local government digital standard

LocalGov Digital and the Greater London Authority have announced a summit to discuss the Local Government Digital Service Standard.

The event will be held at City Hall in London – Photo credit: PA Images

The standard aims to create a common approach for digital services that are good quality and user-centric and was launched in April this year by the LocalGov Digital network of digital practitioners in local government.

The summit, to be held on 19 September at City Hall in London, will discuss how early adopters have used the standard.

In addition, it will hear how the central government version has progressed since its launch in 2014.

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The organisers said that there would be higher level discussions in the morning followed by hands-on workshop sessions about how to use the standard to design and deliver services in the afternoon.

The event follows the news that a London peer group had been created to work out how to implement the standard, with the organisers encouraging other regions to develop similar activities. 

The standard has 15 points for councils to use when creating digital services, including that services should be created using agile, iterative methods and use open standards.

It also says that councils must ensure there are plans for testing, evaluation and ongoing user research, as well as strategies for times when the service is taken offline.


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