Elizabeth Denham, former commissioner at the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia in Canada, will take over as the UK’s information commissioner on Monday, 18 July.
Denham, who will take over on Monday – Photo credit: DCMS
Her appointment was announced in March this year, but the post has been filled by deputy commissioner Simon Entwistle since Christopher Graham stepped down at the end of June, after seven years at the helm.
Denham, who has held senior positions working in data regulation in Canada for 12 years, has been appointed to the role for five years.
Graham said on his departure that there had been “universal approval” of her appointment.
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The role will involve her leading the Information Commissioner’s Office, the authority that regulates the Data Protection Act, Freedom of Information Act and the rules around marketing calls and texts.
She said in a statement: “I am delighted to have taken up this position and am excited about the challenges ahead. I look forward to working with staff and stakeholders to promote openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.”
The ICO recently published its annual report, in which it said that the priorities for the next year would include providing guidance for the new government and pushing to ensure that data protection was kept a priority in the face of Brexit negotiations.