Catch up on all the stories, analysis and interviews from PublicTechnology’s dedicated content week focused on how the public sector is meeting its biggest cyber challenges

An image of a sign outside a polling station

Regulator reveals cyberattackers accessed emails and electoral register data for over a year undetected

The Electoral Commission reveals that a breach saw intruders access its email system and the

Government puts £11m into unit to disrupt online operators offering channel crossings

Prime minister Rishi Sunak also announces agreement to increase voluntary cooperation between law enforcement and

GCHQ seeks tech experts to secretly join boardroom set-up

Intelligence agency opens recruitment for three non-executive directors – but potential candidates are advised to

National Grid unit seeks partner for on-demand cyberattack response ahead of nationalisation

Electricity System Operator unit – which is due to return to public ownership within the

Officers pose as attackers for hire as NCA doubles number of ‘major cyber disruptions’ in FY23

Annual report from the National Crime Agency reveals increase in number of attacks stopped in

Home Office plans new national police ‘facial-matching’ service after signing £50m deal for biometrics platform

Department picks IBM for five-year contract to provide underlying matching platform and progresses plan to

NHS Lanarkshire reprimanded after patients’ data shared via WhatsApp

UK’s data protection regulator issues recommendations and formal warning to health service organisation after investigation

ICO keeping an eye on new iris-scanning cryptocurrency and digital ID

Worldcoin, led by OpenAI founder, is intended to allow humans to benefit from economic growth
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