CDDO launches Data Maturity Assessment for Government

Departments have committed to carry out assessments based on 97 areas

All government departments are expected to self-assess their data maturity over the next 12 months, using a new framework published by the Cabinet Office’s Central Digital and Data Office.

The Data Maturity Assessment for Government has been developed by the Government Data Quality Hub at the Office for National Statistics over the last two years, based on a framework for use in the third sector by social enterprise Data Orchard. In 2021-22, the hub carried out a pilot involving 11 public sector organisations.

The full assessment covers 97 specific areas grouped into 10 topics, including Engaging with others, Knowing the data you have, and Managing and using data ethically. For each area organisations assess where they fit on a five-level maturity level, from ‘beginning’ which involves compliance with minimum legal requirements and very limited data literacy to ‘mastering’ for an organisation seen as an exemplar. The 97 areas are also categorised by six themes: uses, data, leadership, culture, tools and skills.

The framework does not generate a single score but a matrix across the 10 topics and six themes, allowing organisations to identify and address areas that require attention. The CDDO is expecting all departments to use the model to generate data maturity insights they can act upon within the next 12 months, while having regular discussions with its data maturity team.

“The intelligence and insights the assessments will reveal will shape whole-of-government and department-specific interventions now and in the future,” said CDDO chief executive Megan Lee Devlin in a foreword. “And they will ultimately ensure that we are able to fully leverage our powerful data assets, safely and securely, to realise better outcomes for the public we serve.”

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