Leicester seeks suppliers for £2m print framework

Council issues contract notice looking for bidders across four lots

A city skyline, as viewed from the top floor of the University of Leicester’s Attenborough building  Credit: Ncadc2004/CC BY-SA 3.0

Leicester City Council is looking for up to a dozen suppliers of printers and related services.

The authority has issued a contract notice seeking bids from print specialists interested in gaining a spot on one or more of four lots: jobbing print, stationery, and digital; four-colour print; large format; and high-volume four-colour print.

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The first lot, covering smaller or non-standard printed items, is worth £250,000. The second lot, which addresses four-colour printing on standard paper sizes, is valued at up to £400,000, while the fourth lot – covering the same type of printing, but in much higher quantities – has a £700,000 spending pot: the biggest of the four. The third lot, covering larger-format printing requirements, is expected to be worth £350,000.

The cumulative value of the four lots is £1.7m, exclusive of VAT. The deal will last for an initial period of two years, with an optional extension of up to a further 24 months.

Bids are open until 12 September, with a contract scheduled to go live on 1 November. Leicester City Council expects to appoint a maximum of up to 12 suppliers across the four lots.

Sam Trendall

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