MSPs propose digital infrastructure inquiry

An inquiry into digital infrastructure and the potential for economic growth should be held in the next parliamentary session, a Holyrood committee has said.

The Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee has put forward four potential inquiry topics that its successor committee should consider after May’s election.

The call comes after the Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI), ScotlandIS, the Royal Society of Edinburgh and BT Scotland recommended the appointment of a first ‘chief digital officer’ for Scotland as well as the creation of similar posts in all public bodies.

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FSB Scotland also urged the Scottish Parliament committee to launch a “detailed investigation of the opportunities and threats presented by the digital and social media revolutions” last November.

All Holyrood committees produce legacy reports setting out work undertaken over the last five years and suggestions for future inquiry topics.

The Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee, which is chaired by Scottish Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser (above), also recommended a “strategic inquiry” into business support services north of the border and an examination of the potential for local tourists taxes.

Colin Marrs

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