A London council has launched a tender worth up to £25m for a business transaction and personal business software package.
View this and all other local authority tenders from the past week. All tenders are brought to you by our sister site, publictenders.net.
Click on titles to see full details of tenders:
Norwich: Software package and information systems
Council: Norfolk County Council
Description: Highways management system
London: ICT services
Council: London Borough of Bexley
Value: £15m to £25m
Description: Business transaction and personal business software package
Huntingdon: Customer relations management software development services
Value: £300,000
Council: Huntingdonshire District Council
Description: Leisure management software and associated services.
Liverpool: Computer-related services
Council: Liverpool City Council
Value: £429,000
Description: Hardware and software
Sunderland: Software package and information systems
Council: Sunderland City Council
Value: Between £150,000 and £500,000
Description: Development and operation of a business growth hub in the North East Local Enterprise Partnership area.
Belfast: Software package and information systems
Council: Belfast City Council
Description: Venue event management system.
Maidstone: Software supply services
Council: Kent County Council
Value: £250,000
Description: Financial planning tool for Kent schools and academies.
Llandrindod Wells: Computer configurations
Council: Powys County Council
Description: Deliver to desktop service for Powys County Council and Powys Teaching Health Board.
Contract Awards
Leeds: Software support services
Council: Leeds City Council
Description: The continuing maintenance and support of the Tribal Synergy software system installed on Leeds City Council’s ICT network.
Awarded to: Tribal Education
Taunton: Software package and information systems
Council: Somerset County Council
Value: £124,700
Description: Contract for the provision of an e-marketplace portal for Somerset County Council social care
Awarded to: System Associates
Perth: Software package and information systems
Council: Perth and Kinross Council
Value: £170,000
Description: Corporate property asset management information system
Awarded to: Concerto Support Services