Steria snatches ICT services contract from Capita

Provider Steria has won a five year ICT managed services contract worth up to £35 million with Gloucestershire County Council, and will replace incumbent Capita from April.

The council says that the contract should achieve savings of more than a quarter, and will give it greater flexibility to respond to future business demands.

Steria will move the council’s data onto a Cloud-based platform, allowing them to scale up or down as demand for ICT services rises or falls.

A spokeswoman for the council told “The ICT contact allows us to buy services for other public sector organisations. It also allows us to buy additional services therefore a ceiling price of £35m was placed on the contract. The core services are valued at £13.4 million over five years.”

All Capita staff working on the contract will transfer to Steria and continue to provide local support the council, supported by specialists from elsewhere within Steria.

Steria says it will also fund apprenticeships for local young people, business advisory seminars for local business, and school technology projects.

French-based Steria is also part of a joint venture with the Department of Health to provide services in finance and accounting; payroll and human relations; family health services; and commercial procurement.

Ray Theodoulou, council cabinet member for finance and change said, “The council has been working hard to transform the way we work and make savings across the council. I’m confident we have in Steria a cost-effective, flexible, modern and reliable ICT provider with a track record of helping public sector organisations modernise their ways of working.”

Colin Marrs

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