
Watchdog reprimands CPS over loss of sexual assault victim data

Crown Prosecution Service lost discs and hard-copy case files, documents published by the ICO reveal

NHS signs nationwide £20m deal for ‘electronic infection control’ systems

Systems delivered by US healthcare giant is intended to help trusts replace patchwork of paper

MoJ tops debit-card spending list as critics lament patchy departmental data

Justice ministry’s purchases included branded USB cables, while MoD’s info is ‘riddled with anomalies’, according

Public sector leading the way on hybrid working, ONS study finds

Technology-enabled mixed patterns are more common among public bodies, according to research Credit: Pixabay Civil servants

ICO signs £800k deal to expand use of AI for sorting emails

Data-protection regulator awards contract to ‘conversational AI’ Credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay The Information Commissioner’s Office has signed

HMRC plans to offer online claims for Child Benefit by end of 2023

Department aims to build on digitisation work enabling citizens to view details of existing claims

Government Communication Service seeks head of data and analytics

Role comes with remit to ‘optimise, evaluate and improve impact’ of campaigns across Whitehall Credit: Pixabay

Government report claims authorities’ bulk data collections are stymied by ‘disproportionate safeguards’

Study assesses impact of Investigatory Powers Act during its first five years and suggests potential

Treasury unveils vision of digital pound

Government believes a digital currency backed by the Bank of England is ‘likely to be

Bristol picks Fujitsu as long-term digital-transformation partner in £25m deal

Tech firm signs five-year contract with local authority Credit: Pixabay Bristol City Council has appointed Fujitsu

Home Office signs £40m digital deal for UK border anti-crime ‘analytics and targeting system’

Contract represents about a fifth of the budget for Cerberus project Credit: Crown Copyright/Open Government

BEIS boss set to take on perm sec role at new tech and innovation department

Sarah Munby takes on top job at newly formed agency Credit: Crown Copyright/Open Government Licence v3.0 

Scottish Government backs tech accelerator with £10m

CivTech scheme helps innovative SMEs to solve public-service challenges Credit: PxHere The Scottish Government has announced

Sunak creates Department for Science, Innovation and Technology

New entity will bring together components of BEIS and DCMS – which returns to a

DWP chief signs off on £700m 10-year workplace transformation plan

Programme will deliver return on investment of £2.4bn over three decades Credit: Pxhere The permanent secretary

Government offers £120k for leader of Public Sector Fraud Authority

Newly established data-centric entity begins recruitment for first permanent head Credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay The Cabinet Office

‘Critical projects years delayed and at risk of obsolescence’ – alarm sounded over MoD digital

Parliamentary committee flags need for radical reform Credit: Tumisu/Pixabay The Ministry of Defence must fundamentally change

MoJ seeks £100m-plus network partner

Ministry seeks provider to offer LAN services – including support with insourcing Credit: Pete Linforth/Pixabay
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