
DWP and software firms exploring retirement savings platforms for self-employed – pensions minister

Laura Trott claims that automatic enrolment remains unsuitable for freelances – but other digital options

Government appoints Angela McLean as first female chief scientific adviser

MoD science chief replaces Patrick Vallance in an appointment the government hopes will ‘inspire women

Cabinet Office taps data analytics firm for ‘spring clean’ of millions of files

Department extends existing supplier engagement in £500k deal Credit: tookapic/Pixabay The Cabinet Office has signed a

Ex-cabinet minister probes authorisation for Army unit to monitor citizens’ social posts

Former Brexit secretary David Davis’s question on the use of information ops brigade goes unanswered

‘Top Secret UK eyes only’ – MoD plots new infrastructure for highly classified information

Facility in south-east England is likely to include private cloud and physical storage Credit: Tayeb Mezahdia/Pixabay

Politicians sound alarm over Chinese tech risks

Senior parliamentarians express need for government-wide vigilance Credit: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay Prominent politicians have expressed significant concerns about

Every civil servant to receive specialist data training

All officials will undergo a day-long course Credit: Mediamodifier/Pixabay All civil servants will receive specialised data

Government looks to turn Covid data platform into public ‘multi-threat dashboard’ for future health emergencies

The pandemic ‘demonstrated benefits’ of keeping citizens informed Credit: Tung Nguyen/Pixabay The government has begun work

‘If a company decides the UK is an unattractive place to be – do we want that company in the UK?’

Former digital secretary urges government to ensure it sticks to tough rules set out in

Calls to expand biometrics watchdog to commercial entities

Scotland’s world-first regime needs to go further, critics have claimed Credit: Bicanski/Pixnio Critics have called for the

Department for Education ‘assessing risks’ of ChatGPT

Ministers says new technology also provides opportunities to widen access Credit: Markus Winkler/Pixabay The government is

Watchdog reprimands CPS over loss of sexual assault victim data

Crown Prosecution Service lost discs and hard-copy case files, documents published by the ICO reveal

NHS signs nationwide £20m deal for ‘electronic infection control’ systems

Systems delivered by US healthcare giant is intended to help trusts replace patchwork of paper

MoJ tops debit-card spending list as critics lament patchy departmental data

Justice ministry’s purchases included branded USB cables, while MoD’s info is ‘riddled with anomalies’, according

Public sector leading the way on hybrid working, ONS study finds

Technology-enabled mixed patterns are more common among public bodies, according to research Credit: Pixabay Civil servants

ICO signs £800k deal to expand use of AI for sorting emails

Data-protection regulator awards contract to ‘conversational AI’ Credit: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay The Information Commissioner’s Office has signed

HMRC plans to offer online claims for Child Benefit by end of 2023

Department aims to build on digitisation work enabling citizens to view details of existing claims

Government Communication Service seeks head of data and analytics

Role comes with remit to ‘optimise, evaluate and improve impact’ of campaigns across Whitehall Credit: Pixabay
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