
HMRC and DWP to start using One Login within the next year

GDS sheds light on plans to continue rollout of government-wide system over the coming months

ESN delays have cost police £150m in Airwave devices and £5m a year for transition teams on standby since 2016

NPCC representative calls on government to provide extra support or risk ‘unaffordable’ costs for local

NHS plans £35m patient-privacy tech platform

System will be used nationwide to offer a standardised approach to the use of sensitive

Defence committee chair: ‘Two years until AI is a problem we cannot control’

Former MoD minister and serving reservist Tobias Ellwood claims that technology will profoundly alter warfare

Departments sign £300m Microsoft deals

HMRC and Defra ink long-term software contracts Credit: Pxhere Two major government departments have each signed

AI and automation will allow civil service to shrink by two-thirds in next 15 years, former HR chief predicts

Rupert McNeil suggests ‘radical’ opportunities could include merging DWP and HMRC Credit: Piotr Majewski/Pixabay Government’s former

NHS names new CIO to ‘evolve tech infrastructure and manage cyber’

Long-time public servant John Quinn is formally appointed after fulfilling duties on an interim basis

NHS signs transition deal to move from Covid Data Store to new £360m platform

Supplier Palantir retained to support migration but medical professionals and campaign groups continue to harbour

Navy chief cites potential of AI to help protect sailors

First Sea Lord claims that technology can help detect mines and other threats Credit: Crown Copyright/Open

‘Use public cloud unless it is not possible’ – government updates guidance

Flagship cloud first policy has been revamped with extra focus on evaluating a variety of

Government Equality Hub offers £100k for digital chief

Tech leader will oversee platforms including tools for gender pay gap reporting and new ‘State

More than half of social care records now digitised

Proportion has increased by more than ten percentage points – but is still some way

Suppliers picked for £27m deal to run ‘nationally critical’ web domain

Firms will provide fully outsourced service for management of unnamed online platform Credit: Mark Hultgren/Pixabay Two

Government CTO: ‘There’s room for all the cloud industry players to have a meaningful role’

Recently appointed tech chief David Knott tells PublicTechnology that government’s cloud adoption so far compares favourably to

NHS data tests show potential of AI breast cancer screening

Scottish academic help develop new technology that could play a key role in finding interval

Work starts on new nationwide app to ‘end rough sleeping’

Supplier retained for £1m project to build system that government hopes will be more widely

MoJ convenes top judges and experts to develop rules for online court proceedings

New committee created to help advise participants in court cases Credit: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay The Ministry of Justice

Mental-health services to be added to NHS App as part of digital expansion

Minister claims government hopes to ensure ‘support from day one’ Credit: Pexels/Pixabay The NHS App will
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